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Crimson Lipstick Kisses

E-Zine Index And HomePage

HI! Welcome to Crimson Kisses on the net.Index
This way it saves you money because you don't have to by my zine, and it saves me postage because I don't have to send it to you!

I'll try and keep this site up to date as well as save back issues, but don't be too demanding! It's hard to maintain a regular zine as well as an E-Zine!

Well, Enjoy your stay, and I hope you enjoy our Zine!

You are person number ...Uh-oh..Um..I'm gonna need ta get a new one of thease......

New Issue Issue #2: Hey Look, i'm back...

Back Issues Visit our Vault of archives but WATCH OUT for the guy in the toilet!

Want To Make An Addition? Submit your stories, poems, random thoughts, etc.

P.S. Mind The Dancing Skeletons, Please.

This Is A Money On Strike Site!!!(Because it is FREE, and we all like FREE, now, dont we?)

We Would Love To Hear From You!!! Send us your comments, thoughts, hate mail, ANYTHING!!! We will look into any sugestions given.
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